I think of learning as an essential element in one's life, as important as eating and drinking. My best moments are when I learn something new or help someone learn something new. I am currently engaged in educating students through delivering university-level courses, advising student projects, assisting students in learning activities outside the classroom, creating and enhancing educational material, and participating in K-12 educational events.
TELCOM 2821 Network Security
FallS of 2020-2023
Principles of network security and management. Review of network vulnerabilities, security at the link,
network and transport layers, IPsec, SSL, and VPNs. Email security (PGP, S/MIME); Kerberos; x.509
Certificates; SNMP security; firewalls; filters and gateways; policies and implementation of firewall policies; state full firewalls; firewall appliances.
INFSCI 2621 Security Management & Forensics
SPRINGS of 2021-2024
Administration and management of security of enterprise information systems and networks. Principles and tools related to intrusion detection systems, vulnerability analysis, anomaly detection, computer forensics, application logging, auditing and data management, risk management, contingency planning and incident handling, digital immune systems, and alarms and responses. Security standards, evaluation and certification process; security planning, ethical and legal issues in information; privacy, traceability and cyber-evidence.
INFSCI 1740 Team-Based Capstone Project
Fall 2020 - Current
Learn how to solve real-world problems and experience the satisfaction of seeing a project through from start to finish. Gain hands-on experience working directly with clients and observe how senior leaders make difficult decisions. Build skills in requirements gathering, scope management and stakeholder management. Strengthen project management and interpersonal skills by working in a team-based setting under the guidance of faculty. Performance will be evaluated and graded based on the overall project success and assessments from the client, faculty and student peer reviews.
AY 23-24: 10 Projects / 10 Teams / 6 Clients / 28 Students
AY 22-23: 9 Projects / 9 Teams / 39 Students
AY 21-22: 9 Projects / 9 Teams / 41 Students
AY 20-21: 5 Projects / 5 Teams / 15 Students
INFSCI 1600 Security & Privacy
Fall 2020 - Current
The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of information security ranging from threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks to protection, detection, and response. Students will develop the ability to converse with the terminology used in information security (e.g., confidentiality, authentication, integrity, availability). The course will cover the basics of security issues in operating systems, applications, and databases. This is followed by an examination of the architecture and generalized protocol/operational aspects of information networks to identify how security attacks (e.g., denial of service) are possible. Basics of security mechanisms such as cryptography, firewalls, and secure protocols for networks will be presented. The course will include a discussion of privacy and human factors in security (e.g., usable security).
CS 4970/1 Capstone Practicum
Fall 2017 - Spring 2020
This course is one option in the CS Senior Thesis track. Under the Practicum track, students will take two 3-credit courses, CS 4970 and CS 4971. These courses would form a year-long group-based and project-based practicum class. There would be an actual customer, which could be either internal (the course instructor, other CS professors, etc.) or external (local companies, local non-profits, etc.).
AY 17-18: 15 Projects / 15 Teams / 91 Students
AY 18-19: 10 Projects / 15 Teams / 92 Students
AY 19-20: 18 Projects / 18 Teams / 109 Students
CS 4760 Network Security
Spring 2017 - spring 2020
This course covers the principles of secure network communications and the application of network security. Topics include: attack types, attack surfaces, attack phases, network security devices (a)symmetric key encryption, cryptographic hash function, authentication/identification techniques, key distribution, and data integrity assurance. Also, currently used security mechanisms and protocols will be discussed.
CS 4501 Penetration Testing
Spring 2019
Students learn the stages of a penetration test and create a sandboxed environment to safely try various penetration testing techniques. Students then follow a hands-on approach to experience how vulnerabilities can be discovered and exploited.
CS 1110/3 Introduction to Programming
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
A first course in programming, software development, and computer science. Introduces computing fundamentals and an appreciation for computational thinking. No previous programming experience required.
Outside the Classroom

CyberForce Competition
November 3 & 4, 2023

CAE REDesignation (Pitt)
September 19, 2023

June 19 -23, 2023

Let's Get Crackin'
May 26, 2022

Exploring cybersecurity
May 14 & 21, 2022

Let's Get Crackin'
March 21, 2022

DoE Cyberforce
November 12-13, 2021

Hivestorm Competition
October 9, 2021

WiFi hacking @ SIGCSE 21
March 13, 2021

Mid-Atlantic ccdc QualifiERS
February 27, 2021

WiFi Hacking WOrkshop For Students
January 16-17, 2021

WiFi Hacking WOrkshop For Educators
January 13-14, 2021

Cyber fusion 2020
February 21-22, 2020

WiFi hacking @ uWindsor
January 24, 2020

cyber fusion 2019
February 22-23, 2019

CAE-CDE Designation (Uva)
November 7, 2018

GenCyber Summer camp
June 18-22, 2018

2018 National ccdc
April 13-15, 2018

WiCyS 2018
March 23-24, 2018

2018 Mid-Atlantic ccdc
March 15-17, 2018

Enigma 2018 | USENIX
January 16-18, 2018
National Cyber League [Link]
A performance-based and learning-centered collegiate cybersecurity competition.
Cyber FastTrack [Link]
A free online scholarship competition, created by experts at the SANS Institute, which aims to provide thousands of students with the opportunity to enter the cybersecurity industry.
Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS) [Link]
A community of engagement, encouragement and support for women in cybersecurity.
Women's Society of Cyberjutsu (WSC) [Link]
An organization dedicated to raising awareness of cybersecurity career opportunities and advancement for women in the field of cybersecurity.
Hack The Box (HTB) [Link]
An online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills and exchange ideas and methodologies with thousands of people in the security field.
A site for building products, practicing skills, learning technologies, growing your network, and participating in online virtual and in-person hackathons.
Cyber Career Pathways Tool [Link]
A new and interactive way to explore work roles within the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.
NICE Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program Finder [Link]
A tool to find Apprenticeship opportunities in the USA.