Setup "luxor-vpn" on Kali-attacker-2020 vm
0. Disclaimer
​The instructor(s) are not responsible for any loss, incidental or consequential damage, or loss arising out of installation, use (unauthorized or otherwise), errors, mistakes, accident, theft or fraud, destruction, or any part of the provision of services.
If you have questions, consult a lawyer.
Make sure your “Kali-Attacker-2020” VM’s network adapter is attached to “NAT”. Then, open a terminal and
to make sure you have Internet connectivity. Press CTRL + C to quit the ping command.

Go to “VPN Settings” as shown in the following figure.​

Choose “Luxor VPN” then click on the settings button at the right-bottom corner as shown in the following figure.

Note: Do you already have your VPN Credentials (username/password)? If not, find them first before continuing the steps in this page. If you don't know how to find out your VPN Credentials, contact the instructor.
Choose “Identity” then enter your User name and Password then click “Apply” as shown in the following figure.

Notice that the status under "LUXOR VPN" says "Not connected". Make sure the text to the right of the "Username" shows the username you entered in the previous window. Then, move the “toggle” to the right in order to connect to “LUXOR VPN”.
Wait until the “Not Connected” status change to “Connected” then close this window.

Open a terminal and run “ifconfig tap0” to verify that you have an 12.12.5.* address as shown in the following figure.

Whenever you are done with an exercise, make sure to "Turn Off" your VPN connection as shown below.