Getting Started
The instructor(s) are not responsible for any loss, incidental or consequential damage, or loss arising out of installation, use (unauthorized or otherwise), errors, mistakes, accident, theft or fraud, destruction, or any part of the provision of services.
If you have questions, consult a lawyer.
1. Watch two YouTube videos
Watch the following video to better understand how to start scanning for WiFi access points using the aircrack-ng suite. Note: The video mentions that you need a WiFi USB adapter. You don't need to buy the adapter. Your dedicated machine (behind the LUXOR VPN) will have an adapter attached to it.
Watch the following video to better understand how to perform WiFi reconnaissance using the aircrack-ng suite.
2. WiFi Getting Started on
Open a browser and go to "", login, and scroll to the "WiFi Getting Started" section as shown below.

Now, solve the following challenges in order (under the WiFi Getting Started section):
❏ airWHAT-ng
❏ $tarT0
❏ wlan0???
❏ $tarT7
❏ airoWHAT-ng?
❏ Ba$iC $cAnNinG
❏ Finding Nemo
❏ Nemo - in the C
❏ ?ssid
❏ Nearest AP
❏ Farthest AP
Once you start solving challenges correctly, other challenges will become available as you can see in the screenshots below. If you have questions, let the instructor know.